Sweet potato & chipotle mash Recipes

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As an alternative to a classic comforting mash, try roasting sweet potatoes and crushing with spicy smoked chilli paste


  • 4 large sweet potato, about 1kg/2lb 4oz
  • 1 tbsp chipotle paste
  • 125ml soured cream
  • 25g butter


  1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the potatoes in the oven and roast for 50 mins until tender when pierced with a knife. Peel off the skins, put the flesh in a bowl and mash until smooth.
  2. Add the chipotle paste, soured cream and butter, and mix well. Season to taste.

Sweet potato & chipotle mash • Yield: 4 servings

  • 4 large sweet potato, about 1kg/2lb 4oz
  • 1 tbsp chipotle paste
  • 125ml soured cream
  • 25g butter

Sweet potato & chipotle mash Nutrition Facts:
• Diet:
• Calories: 63.33
• Fat: 67.87
• Carbs: 51.62
• Protein: 14.82
• Cholesterol: 75.44
• Calcium: 31.23
• Sodium: 51.12

* E.g. 137.29 = 137mg or 137g – 29%
Nutrition Facts labels are not always factual.

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